Why Are the Tops of My Birch Tree Dying?
Summer in Sonoma County is the time of year when you may see yellowing leaves or dead branches, usually at the top of the tree. The most common reason for this dieback is an infestation of Bronze Birch Borers. These boring insects affect Birch trees that are drought stressed. White barked Birch trees grow naturally […]
How to Tell If Your Tree Has Mediterranean Oak Beetles
The Mediterranean Oak Beetle or MOB is responsible for the deaths of several Valley Oak trees recently in the western area of Santa Rosa. While most oak trees killed by the beetles that we are aware of are Valley Oaks or Blue Oaks, the beetles can infest eight species of native oak trees according to […]
Is Mistletoe Harmful to Trees?
Mistletoe is a parasite that lives by feeding off the host tree. It robs the host tree of water and nutrients. If not controlled early, it can spread quickly throughout the tree. Mistletoe reduces tree vigor and if left unchecked it can kill the host tree. Mistletoe is most harmful to maple trees, poplar trees, […]
Mushrooms Near Your Trees May Signal Trouble
The rainy season is the best time for wild mushroom foraging. Following a rain storm the mushrooms sprout in the wild. It’s also a good time to inspect the ground near the trunks of trees to identify mushrooms or fruiting bodies that may be an indication of potentially harmful fungi. A common mushroom that is […]